Campaign for Working Families

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 -- Random Observations, Operation Below The Belt, Children At Risk

Random Observations


I want to begin today’s report with two observations that came to mind recently.


Number 1: Leftist politicians and their media allies are furious over the suggestion that some Haitians in Ohio might have eaten cats. I think we have to conclude they are more concerned about allegations immigrants are eating cats and dogs than they are about the actual murders of women and girls that are being committed by illegal aliens.



Number 2: Kamala Harris has only done one interview with a national news network. She still hasn’t done even one formal press conference as the Democrat presidential nominee. There have been more assassination attempts on Donald Trump (2) than serious media interviews of Harris (1).




Operation Below The Belt


There was panic in Lebanon yesterday when thousands of pagers exploded all at once. Similar explosions were reported in Syria. This wasn’t a case of defective products.


It was a brilliant counterterrorism operation by Israel against Iran’s terrorist proxy, Hezbollah. At least 12 people were killed and more than 2,800 Hezbollah thugs were wounded, including Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, in what many are calling “Operation Below The Belt.”


Apparently, Hezbollah ordered thousands of pagers for its terrorist army after realizing that cell phones were too easy to track. The pagers were ordered from a Taiwanese company and manufactured in Hungary.


Some suspect that in the manufacturing process a small amount of explosive material was placed inside each pager, which was programmed to detonate after receiving a message that appeared to be from Hezbollah’s leadership.


There are reports that more pagers are exploding today, as well as hand-held radios.


Washington Post foreign affairs correspondent David Ignatius wrote that the “ingenious Israeli operation” was straight out of a “James Bond movie.” More importantly, it “sent an unmistakable Israeli message to the Iranian-backed militia: We own you. We can penetrate every space in which you operate.”


Hezbollah is vowing to carry out revenge attacks. But one Israeli expert warned, “When Hezbollah considers how to respond, they should consider that Israel may have more surprises for them. And Israel does.”


This event is a stark reminder of the danger of outsourcing the manufacturing of critical items. We need to bring our factories home.




Two-State Solution


While everyone was celebrating Israel’s blow against Hezbollah, Kamala Harris was bragging to black journalists that she wants to deny Israel the weapons they need.


Speaking about Israel’s war against Hamas, Harris bragged about how she was 100% behind Joe Biden’s decision to withhold the most important bombs from Israel, saying:


“One of the things that we have done that I am entirely supportive of is the pause that we’ve put on the 2,000-pound bombs, and so there is some leverage that we have had and used.”


Why is the Biden/Harris administration using its “leverage” against our ally Israel instead of fully supporting Israel in its war against genocidal Islamists?


These bunker-busting bombs could help end the war faster because they can destroy Hamas’s underground facilities, which are far more sophisticated than anyone imagined.


You can pick a side in the Middle East based on values. (See next item.) I believe Israel is protected by God, and is also a nation that shares our values. We are natural allies. But under Biden and Harris, the alliance is under deep strain.


Kamala Harris, who could be our next commander-in-chief, chose yesterday to brag about her opposition to Israel. She doesn’t care about a “two-state solution” securing peace for Israel. The only two states she cares about are Michigan and Minnesota.




Hate On Display


During a Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday on hate crimes in America, Sen. Ted Cruz excoriated left-wing university officials and politicians for tolerating an explosion of antisemitism on our campuses and in our streets.


The hearing was regularly interrupted with protests. Some in the audience yelled, “F--- Israelis” and “f---ing Jews,” thus proving how big the problem of antisemitism is.


The outburst was a clear indication that antisemitism is indeed growing in America, and it provided a strong clue as to where it’s coming from.




Appeasing Terrorists


Meanwhile, another area of the Biden/Harris Washington clown show is coming under fire for appeasing terrorists. The State Department is refusing to designate the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels as a foreign terrorist organization.


The Houthis, who took over Yemen, have significant U.S. naval assets tied down by missile and drone attacks on critical shipping lanes in the Red Sea. They have also launched missile attacks against Israel.


No one at the Biden/Harris White House is leaning on the Biden/Harris State Department to “leverage” our influence in Yemen. Why not?


Well, according to one State Department official, the Houthis control so much of Yemen that designating them as a foreign terrorist organization would disrupt “food security” and other humanitarian efforts. In addition, the official “emphasized the Biden administration’s goal” of not “alienating Yemeni civilians.”


There it is, folks. That’s the appeasement mindset of the left, including the woman who wants to govern us for the next eight years. They will put your son or daughter in the U.S. Navy at risk, but they really don’t want to alienate the Houthis. America last!




Scandal Update


As you know, wannabe Trump assassin Ryan Routh donated to Democrats, voted for Democrats, and cited Democrat talking points. He claimed he was “saving democracy.” His own son said his father hates Donald Trump just like “every reasonable person does.”


And yet the FBI, the Secret Service, and the media continue to say, “We just can’t figure out what his motive was.”


The ultimate “hate crime” is deliberately murdering someone. But the left assigns the label “hate crime” to virtually everything it doesn’t like. They even insist that conservative opinions are “hate speech” and a form of “violence.”


The left exploited George Floyd’s death as an example of “systemic racism” in law enforcement and quickly labeled it a “hate crime.” But two of the officers involved were minorities, and there was zero evidence of racial bias.


But the left is unwilling to acknowledge that Routh wanted to kill Donald Trump because Routh is a left-wing hater.


Meanwhile, it’s more than two months since the first assassination attempt in which Donald Trump escaped death by a fraction of an inch. And we still do not have a report from the relevant federal agencies regarding the events of that day.


This is so outrageous that even leftists like Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal are furious. He is angry with the Biden administration’s continued “stonewalling,” adding that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is “almost derelict in its duty by resisting our requests for documents, evidence, and information.”


Where is Alejandro Mayorkas? He’s the head of Homeland Security, and the Secret Service is under his leadership.


He’s no better at keeping assassins away from Donald Trump than he is at keeping terrorists and illegal aliens away from the borders he is also responsible for!




Children At Risk


Transgender ideology is an assault on God’s creation. It’s an assault on science. It’s an assault on normalcy. It’s an assault on parental rights. And it’s an assault on our children that is coming from every possible direction.


That’s why the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI), where I also serve as Senior Vice President for Public Policy, has drawn a line in the sand. JDFI is committed to fighting this radical anti-family agenda.


I firmly believe the day will come when society looks back at this absurdity and seriously regrets the medical atrocities that were committed against so many children.


ACTION ITEM: Here is your opportunity to make your voice heard. Take a moment right now to read JDFI’s Declaration to Protect Children. If you agree with this powerful statement, please add your name to the growing list of concerned parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters who are taking a stand.


For the sake of our children, we must speak out and resist this insanity!




Tune In To Family Talk


Tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show to hear our interview with 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines. She was forced to compete against a man, who had obvious advantages over his female competitors. Even worse, she and other female athletes were forced to change in front of him. Now Riley Gaines is speaking up and leading the fight for the rights of other female athletes.


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