Campaign for Working Families

The “Big Lie” strategy is a propaganda technique mastered by all totalitarian regimes. The idea is that people can be made to believe a lie that is so absurd and bizarre precisely because it is so absurd and bizarre that no one would dare lie about it. And the more it is repeated, the more people will believe it. The left has been using the Big Lie strategy against Donald Trump ever since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Their latest Big Lie is that Trump said he would call out the military to go after his political enemies. It would take pages to outline every one of the false… Read More

The Final Stretch


We’re 15 days away from Election Day. The 2024 campaign is in its final stretch. The candidates are crisscrossing the country, barnstorming the swing states, allocating resources, and crafting closing messages to symbolize the choice before us.


I have often said that Israel is the tip of the spear when it comes to the war against radical Islamic supremacy. They proved that yet again when Israeli forces took out Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar. Israel continues to do the hard work that the free world refuses to do. They have taken out more terrorist leaders than the rest of the western democracies put together.

Kamala Harris sat down yesterday for her first Fox News interview -- ever. This was an opportunity for Harris to introduce herself to independent and Republican voters. But if she was trying to appeal to those voters, she failed miserably. Her interview was a disaster. The interview was cut short partly because Harris showed up late and because her staff frantically shut it down when they realized how badly it was going. I had concerns about how Bret Baier would conduct the interview. I was pleasantly surprised. He asked serious questions, something Harris has never had to deal with… Read More

In addition to leading American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president of public policy at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). We’re doing everything we can to educate and mobilize men and women of faith in the most important election of our lifetime. We are also fighting the neo-Marxist left that intends to demonize and dehumanize Christians until we kneel in submission. We will not kneel!  JDFI just opened another front in the war to save Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are not playing defense. We are going after the left! JDFI has… Read More

Have you noticed the stark change in the campaign? It happened really fast. After a palace coup forced Joe Biden out of the presidential race and handed his nomination to Kamala Harris, depressed Democrats got a new burst of enthusiasm and energy. The Harris/Walz campaign played up that theme. They had good “vibes” and “joy.” But that didn’t go over well. Only 28% of Americans are happy with the direction of our country. That’s not surprising when 76% of Americans say they are struggling to pay their bills because of high inflation. Read the room! As the polls shifted away from Harris,… Read More

Chinese communist hackers attacked the Trump campaign by hacking into sensitive information at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), which employs many former Trump administration officials. As you’ll recall, members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps hacked into the Trump campaign, stealing sensitive information that they then provided to multiple media outlets.   There are several regimes that desperately want to keep Donald Trump from becoming president again, and they will stop at nothing. There’s communist China. There’s Iran. (See below.)   There’s Russia. What’s that? Yes… Read More

Over the years, one of my greatest sources of frustration has been and continues to be the evidence that many God-fearing Christians, who are pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Israel, do not vote. Their pastors, priests, and other church leaders studiously avoid addressing the obligation of Christian citizenship because they don’t want to get into “politics.” Sadly, this desire to avoid “politics” too often leads pastors to even avoid addressing moral issues. The result is that many Christians are passive bystanders in the culture war that is raging around us and threatening our freedom and… Read More

Democrats have a saying, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” meaning they will exploit anything to advance their agenda. It’s hard to imagine, but we saw it again yesterday when President Biden gave a briefing about Hurricane Milton as it was about to hit Florida. Breaking every norm, he used it to launch partisan political attack on Donald Trump. They have politicized every aspect of our government – our intelligence agencies, our Justice Department, the Pentagon, and now FEMA. Biden not only lied about Trump; he lied about what Trump said. But Biden really crossed the line when he… Read More

Federal law enforcement officials arrested an Afghan national for plotting to attack polling places on Election Day. This could be called Biden/Harris/Afghan interference in our election. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, who resides in Oklahoma City, shouldn’t be in our country. But he was admitted on a “special immigrant” visa during the fall of Kabul. Sadly, there is nothing surprising about his arrest. The administration denied there was any chaos in Kabul during Biden’s disastrous retreat. Thousands of Afghans broke through the security perimeter and stormed the runway. Some died falling off… Read More

One year ago today, Hamas terrorists launched a completely unprovoked attack against the Israeli people. It was a bloodbath. Twelve hundred Israelis were killed. More than 3,400 were wounded. Even now, the atrocities are hard to imagine. Babies were put into ovens. Parents were murdered in front of their children. Women and children were raped. Four Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas, although you wouldn’t know it from the lack of interest at the Biden/Harris White House. In the year since, Israel has decimated Hamas in Gaza. Now Israel is fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon, the… Read More

Joe Biden returned to the White House last night after surveying the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. Obviously, reporters wanted a statement of some kind from the president.  So, a reporter asked, “What do the states in the storm zone need, Mr. President?” A baffled and bewildered Biden looked at him and replied, “Sorry?” The reporter tried again, “The states in the storm zone, what do they need after what you saw today?” “Oh, in the storm zone,” Biden said. “I didn’t know which storm you’re talking about. . .” What?! He just got back from seeing the damage caused by… Read More

Once again, we see that the Biden/Harris Justice Department is just another arm of the Democrat Party. After the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling, Special Counsel Jack Smith was forced to go back to the drawing board and modify his charges against Donald Trump. Last week, Smith filed a new brief, under seal, with Judge Tanya Chutkan outlining what his arguments are going to be in a case that may never come to trial. Yesterday, Judge Chutkan unsealed the brief and made it public. So, everyone can see the prosecution’s argument, but Donald Trump has no venue to respond. And… Read More

Most political scientists will tell you that vice presidential debates rarely matter. But this year is different. Even the New York Times admitted that this “V.P. Debate Is A Bigger Deal Than Usual.” In many ways, the selection of a vice president is the most important decision a presidential candidate makes because that person could become president of the United States. Given that we were watching two potential presidents, last night’s debate between Senator J.D. Vance and Governor Tim Walz was a big deal. Post-debate polling was split down the middle. CBS and CNN polls found that… Read More

This morning, Pentagon sources told the media that an Iranian missile attack against Israel was imminent. Shortly before 1:00 PM ET, Iran’s attack began. All Israelis were ordered to bomb shelters. Israeli media reports that Iran fired at least 180 ballistic missiles. Thankfully, most were intercepted. At the same time, a terrorist attack was launched in Tel Aviv, killing six people. A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces said Israel will respond to Iran “in the place and the time we determine.” But you can bet that the Biden/Harris administration is already pressuring Israel not to… Read More

The scenes of devastation from Hurricane Helene are heartbreaking. High winds and a record storm surge pounded the west coast of Florida, but the worst was yet to come. Helene brought death and destruction across six southern states, mostly from historic flooding. North Carolina was Ground Zero in the deluge, but Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and even Virginia were also severely impacted. Because of mountainous terrain and the nature of the storm, rural communities in those states were hit the hardest. According to one report, at least 116 people are dead and many more are missing… Read More

Once again, we see what the left’s real intentions are. The neo-Marxist left isn’t interested in “saving our democracy.” It’s trying to “fundamentally transform” America by ending our Republic. Just three days ago, Kamala Harris said she wanted to end the Senate’s extended debate rules that make it “the world’s most deliberative body.” Those rules make the Senate different from the House of Representatives and act as a safeguard against rash actions and radical change. But radical change is exactly what the left wants. Harris wants to pass a radical national pro-abortion law that would… Read More

In a major TV interview yesterday morning, Joe Biden’s secretary of commerce said that we need to “extinguish Donald Trump for good.” Extinguish is not a word someone normally uses when referring to political candidates or competitors. Concerned about the implications of the statement, the interviewer asked the commerce secretary to clarify what she meant. The commerce secretary then said we should “banish him from American politics.” That’s unconstitutional. In America, we don’t banish people from participating in our political process. The secretary is a well-educated woman. Her… Read More

Kamala Harris has changed positions on so many issues, it’s virtually impossible to keep track. Well, her latest flip-flop may be the most dangerous. The United States Senate is a unique institution because its rules allow for extended debate on most issues. This is meant to ensure that all sides are heard and all ideas are considered as legislation becomes law. That’s why the Senate is often called “the world’s most deliberative body.” It’s also what makes the Senate very different from the House of Representatives, where the majority rules with an iron fist.

The war between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate. It’s estimated that one million people on both sides have been killed or wounded, exponentially exceeding the casualties in Israel’s war against Hamas and Hezbollah. The Ukrainian war is an incredibly dangerous conflict. Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons. We have a weak and mentally impaired president. He and Kamala Harris’s main foreign policy decision was the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. One miscalculation could easily lead to World War Three. But, in spite of all the pressure they’re putting on Israel to sign… Read More

While the FBI, the Secret Service, and the national media can’t find a motive for Ryan Routh’s assassination attempt on Donald Trump, we now have a written confession. Routh evidently planned the attack several months ago, but anticipated that he was unlikely to succeed. He left a letter in a box with a friend. In the letter, he wrote: “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I failed you. . . I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster,” adding, “I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.” Routh also complained that Trump abandoned the 2015… Read More

We’ve heard a lot lately from the national media about events in Springfield, Ohio. As I noted the other day, the left has expressed more outrage over rumors about Haitians eating cats than it ever has over the actual murders of American citizens by illegal aliens. The controversy over missing pets really misses the main point, and that’s exactly why the left is talking so much about it. Illegal immigration is a huge problem for the U.S. and a major liability for Democrats. Thus, they are trying to make it a “fringe issue.” Well, last night the citizens of Springfield got a chance to… Read More

Something very emblematic of the realignment of the two parties happened yesterday. For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Teamsters Union failed to endorse the Democrat nominee for president. The Teamsters leadership conducted two surveys of their members on which candidate they supported. The first survey was conducted after Joe Biden dropped out. The second survey was conducted after last week’s debate. Donald Trump won both surveys with nearly 60% of the vote. As a result, the union leadership decided to withhold their endorsement. This is a really big deal. The Teamsters are… Read More

There was panic in Lebanon yesterday when thousands of pagers exploded all at once. Similar explosions were reported in Syria. This wasn’t a case of defective products. It was a brilliant counterterrorism operation by Israel against Iran’s terrorist proxy, Hezbollah. At least 12 people were killed and more than 2,800 Hezbollah thugs were wounded, including Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, in what many are calling “Operation Below The Belt.” Apparently, Hezbollah ordered thousands of pagers for its terrorist army after realizing that cell phones were too easy to track. The pagers were… Read More

The media and their left-wing allies are refusing to take any responsibility for their inflammatory and outrageous rhetoric that has now caused two assassination attempts against former President Donald Trump. (See next item.) But they are attacking Trump for saying there are reports that Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, may be stealing and eating pets. And because he said that, they now claim that bomb threats are being called into places all over Springfield by hateful, mean-spirited xenophobes. When I first heard about the alleged bomb threats, I thought to myself, “How does this work… Read More

It’s barely 24 hours after another assassination attempt against former President Trump, but this time, we are definitely not struggling to know what the shooter believes.

Yesterday in Arizona, former President Trump offered the latest in a series of tax-cut proposals that confound the left’s (and the liberal media’s) stereotypes. 

Two days after their face-to-face in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris and her cohorts are confirming again exactly what their top strategy is to beat Donald Trump. 

The degree to which the U.S. media is merely a “subsidiary” of the American political left was on full display last night.