Campaign for Working Families

Thursday, November 16, 2023 -- Hamas Mob Attacks DNC, Biden Betrays Israel, Wray's Warning

Hamas Mob Attacks DNC


Nearly 300,000 pro-Israel Christians and Jews poured into Washington, D.C., Tuesday morning and no one was harassed or hurt.  But the very next evening, 200 leftists showed up angry that the Democrat Party isn’t left-wing enough. 


This pro-Hamas mob laid siege to the Democrat National Committee headquarters just off Capitol Hill.  They surrounded the building and blocked every exit.  They attempted to smash their way into the building. 


One House Democrat who was trapped inside told Axios that last night’s pro-Hamas protest “scared me more than January 6th,” adding that “Police were wearing gas masks . . . this was not peaceful."


The Capitol Hill Police declared the protest to be illegal.  Six officers were hurt.  But only one arrest was made.  If six officers were injured, logic suggests that more than one protester should have been arrested.  If the protest was illegal, then all 200 protesters should have been arrested. 




Biden Betrays Israel


The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution yesterday calling for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.  The resolution passed 12 to 0.  The United States could have vetoed this resolution and we should have vetoed it. 


A cease-fire now only benefits the terrorists of Hamas.  How would we have reacted if the U.N. had demanded that we stop fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban a month after 9/11?  Should we have granted Hitler a cease-fire one month after D-Day?  Hamas does not deserve a “time-out” either.


Even worse, the resolution failed to condemn Hamas for the October 7th massacre.  Apparently, that’s the only thing that prevented U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield from actually supporting the resolution outright.


Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., blasted the Security Council’s resolution as “disconnected from reality.”


Joe Biden failed to stand with Israel on the National Mall Tuesday, and he failed to stand with Israel at the United Nations yesterday.




Wray’s Warning


FBI Director Christopher Wray testified yesterday before the House Homeland Security Committee.  Wray was asked about the record numbers of illegal aliens who have crossed the southern border who are suspected terrorists or who are coming from countries infested with extremism.


His response was less than reassuring.  Wray said, “The threats that come from the other side of the border are very much consuming all 56 of our field offices, not just in the border states.”


It sounds to me like the FBI director just admitted that every single field office is engaged in anti-terror or criminal investigations of some kind because of Joe Biden’s open borders. 


When pressed more specifically as to whether his agency was actively tracking down illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list, meaning they are not in custody, Wray said, “Yes.”


You’d think such stunning admissions would make national headlines.  They should.  As we have repeatedly stated, border security is national security.  But with this administration, all we have is ideological insanity and insecurity.




About Those Buses. . .


During yesterday’s hearing, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) continued to question Director Wray about the FBI’s presence on Capitol Hill during the January 6th protest.  You may recall that Higgins has pressed this line of questioning before and Wray stubbornly refused to answer simple questions about whether the FBI had undercover agents or provocateurs in the crowd that day.


Yesterday, Higgins referred to “ghost buses” parked at Union Station the morning of January 6th, which he says were full of FBI agents dressed as MAGA supporters.  Unfortunately, the congressman ran out of time before he was able to fully make his point and get a response from Director Wray.


I don’t know what evidence Rep. Higgins allegedly has, but this issue deserves a more thorough investigation and total transparency from the FBI because the Bureau has a big problem here. 


Polling shows that 61% of Americans, including 57% of Democrats, believe that “undercover government agents helped provoke the Capitol riot.”


The FBI is suffering from a major trust deficit with the American people – and for good reason.


We know the FBI lied about “Russian collusion.” 

We know the FBI suppressed the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

We know the FBI undermined free speech on social media. 

We know the FBI spied on parents at school board meetings. 

We know the FBI spied on Catholic churches. 

We know the FBI is spying on MAGA supporters.


All of which leads me to again question why any Republican would support even one dime for a new FBI headquarters without major reforms of this rogue bureaucracy.




2024 Update


Several interesting polls have been released in the past few days.  Here’s a brief summary.


Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary contest.  The latest Morning Consult poll finds Trump up 50 points over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – 64% to 14%.  No other candidate received double digit support.  The latest Fox News poll found Trump at 62%, DeSantis at 14% and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley at 11%.


Looking ahead to the general election, a Quinnipiac University poll made headlines this week for finding Trump ahead of Joe Biden 48% to 46%.  That marked the first time Trump has led Biden in a Quinnipiac poll since February.  And his lead in other polls is even higher.


Moreover, the poll found Biden’s ratings were underwater on virtually every major issue.  For example:


  • Biden’s overall approval rating: 37% positive to 59% negative.
  • On the economy:  37% to 59%.
  • On the border:  26% to 65%.
  • On foreign policy: 35% to 61% (Foreign policy is supposedly Biden’s strength.)
  • On the war between Israel and Hamas: 35% to 54%.


A separate poll conducted by the University of Michigan found that only 14% of voters said they are better off financially under Joe Biden than they were before he took office.




Betting It All


In spite of the growing unease among many Democrats about Biden’s terrible ratings, Democrat insiders believe they have a “silver bullet” when it comes to the 2024 election.  And they plan to put that “silver bullet” in the head of every unborn child in America.  That’s their plan. 


With everything going wrong in the country today – sky-high inflation, open borders, rising crime, failing schools and the world on fire – with 75% saying we’re headed in the wrong direction, the Democrat plan is to declare abortion the most important issue facing America. 


They’re going to run their entire campaign on the idea that Republicans must be stopped so that abortion remains unregulated and not one abortion is ever prevented.  Left-wing groups are going all out to put pro-abortion initiatives on the ballot in multiple swing states next year to drive turnout.


According to the New York Times, Democrats spent more than $400 million on abortion-related ads in the 2022 midterm elections.  It’s a safe bet that they will spend at least double that in 2024. 


Sadly, the early results in key states suggest this strategy might work. 


If it does, it would be a striking comment about the soulless Democrat Party and it would very likely signal the collapse of Judeo-Christian America.