Campaign for Working Families

Monday, March 21, 2022 -- A Hopeful Sign, Will Ukraine Help Biden, World Down Syndrome Day

A Hopeful Sign


With all the news making headlines, you may not have noticed that the past few days have been a very bad time for American female athletes, specifically female college swimmers.  They didn't lose races to women from other countries.  They lost to another American who is actually a biological man


As we have reported before, the biological male swimmer who cheated by racing against women used to be known as Will Thomas.  He was a mediocre swimmer in competitions against other men.  So, Thomas announced that he is a trans woman, called himself "Lia," and demanded to race in women's competitions. 


Of course, our "woke" universities, the NCAA and many adults who should know better said that was a great idea.  For months now, Thomas has dominated female swimming competitions, frequently shattering records while denying actual biological women the awards and recognition they should have received for their years of hard training and practice. 


But this is simply cheating, just as if any female swimmer was doped up on steroids.  A biological man, because of male hormones, has stronger lungs, a bigger heart muscle, stronger arm and leg muscles and is taller than the average woman.  No amount of hormone treatments will erase that natural advantage.


The good news is that a healthy resistance to this gender insanity seems to be building across the country. 


  • America's young female athletes, who have been intimidated and threatened are now courageously coming forward to say "This is wrong." 



  • The most famous transgender individual, former Olympic athlete Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner, said it is unfair for a trans woman (a biological man) to compete against women in sports.


  • Some liberal feminists now say they feel "homeless" because the Democrat Party has embraced trans women over real women.


  • Legislation to protect women's sports has passed in several states and is advancing in others.


Support for men competing against women in sports is a fringe position.  But the Biden Administration is all in on pushing this insanity on your children and grandchildren.  There seems to be nothing too extreme that the radical left will not embrace and demand that you embrace it, too.  Joe Biden even gave a shout-out to the trans community in his State of the Union address. 


And the tyrannical American oligarchs of Big Tech just banned the Babylon Bee for refusing to accept lies about biological reality, proving yet again that leftists really aren't tolerant at all and they have no sense of humor.


Let's hope and pray that this trans insanity ends soon.  If it doesn't, women's athletics will be destroyed by selfish men pretending to be women.




Will Ukraine Horror Help Biden?


It's often been said that politics "ends at the water's edge."  That phrase refers to the American tradition of uniting behind the commander-in-chief during times of war.  Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would love to impose that rule right now as they're headed to a potential disaster this November. 


I've noticed lately that a number of liberal commentators, including Andrea Mitchell, are suggesting that the terrible events in Ukraine should help Biden change the subject from his record of domestic failures and rally the country behind him. 


And they may be right.  To a considerable extent, that is what history has shown – in a time of war, the president's approval ratings usually go up. 


So far, polling isn't showing a big bump for Biden.  But Putin's war in Ukraine has dominated the headlines lately.  Every issue that made Democrats vulnerable this November is being buried by nonstop coverage of Ukraine, including on Fox News.


My heart breaks seeing the images of Ukrainian civilians being targeted.  But long before Putin violated Ukraine's borders, my heart was breaking when I saw what was happening at our borders, when I saw repeated attacks on our Constitution, the ongoing carnage of abortion on demand and the pain hard-working families are experiencing at the grocery store and at the gas pump. 


The GOP needs to focus on "saving" Americans, too.


It's not surprising that some in the liberal media are beating the drums of war, welcoming the distraction from domestic issues.  But even some Republicans sound like they're yearning for another overseas war – this time under the leadership of Joe Biden, who surrendered to the Taliban! 


Well, they better think twice because there is no support for war with Russia over Ukraine.


A recent Quinnipiac poll asked Americans how they wanted to proceed in this conflict.  The overwhelming majority -- 75% -- said we should help Ukraine "without risking a direct war with Russia."


My record on foreign policy and national defense is clear.  I believe America is in great danger from our foreign enemies, most especially communist China. 


If we care about national security, our number one priority should be getting our "appeaser-in-chief" out of office, and replacing him and the leftists in Congress with conservatives who will strengthen our Armed Forces while putting America first.




Prayers For Justice Thomas


Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized Friday with "flu-like symptoms."  He is reportedly in good condition and will be released soon. 


But as the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson got under way this morning, the news about Justice Thomas serves as a stark reminder that our freedoms hang by a thread. 


Without Justices Thomas (73) or Alito (71), we could quickly start suffering 5-to-4 loses on key issues again.  We must pray without ceasing for Justice Thomas's good health and for the health of other justices who defend our Constitution and our Judeo-Christian values.




Apologies Are In Order


Last week, I reported that the New York Times has finally conceded that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a legitimate news story.  But in 2020, dozens of top former intelligence officials denounced the breaking news as Russian disinformation, and hiding behind their credibility many "mainstream" media outlets refused to cover the story. 


Here's why I am revisiting this issue:  Not one of those so-called "experts" has had the character to apologize.  This is important to note because former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said at the time that it was not Russian disinformation. 


But dozens of respected intelligence officials, alleged "national security experts," promoted a false narrative to prevent the American people from knowing the truth.  They manipulated the election.  We need to keep that in mind whenever we hear statements from these former Deep State officials. 


Something is deeply wrong within the institutions entrusted to keep us safe.  Purging the rot from these vital agencies must be a top priority of the next conservative administration.


By the way, have you noticed that the laptop showed that the Biden family was making big bucks selling influence in communist China, Russia and Ukraine?  How can we trust Biden to put America's interests first, rather than his own, when it comes to these countries?




World Down Syndrome Day


Today is World Down Syndrome Day, and it's a good time to reflect on the dignity and worth of every individual. 


I have a relative who has Down syndrome.  She is a delightful lady, and a real joy to be around.  Over the holidays, her father shared with me that she's a great basketball player.  He showed me a video of her sinking shots from 30 feet away!


Sadly, many on the left, including "faithful Catholic" Joe Biden, see people with Down syndrome as "inconvenient" and "expendable."  In recent years, the pro-abortion left has waged a relentless "search and destroy" mission for pre-born babies with Down syndrome, hoping to abort as many as possible.


In stark contrast, President Donald Trump strongly defended the sanctity of life for those with Down syndrome.  In a 2019 statement recognizing October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Trump declared:


"We thank individuals with Down syndrome for their incredible contributions to their families, their communities, and . . . we pledge to empower them to achieve their full potential. . .


"Every human life possesses immeasurable value, and . . . all of God's children should be loved and cherished.  This month is an important opportunity for Americans to reaffirm our commitment to creating a society that better appreciates and respects the dignity of life at all of its beautiful and miraculous stages."