Campaign for Working Families

The left-wing media is once again proving that we do not have a fair and balanced free press. What we have instead are liberal hacks masquerading as “journalists.” What we have is George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth.” In the past 48 hours, talking points went out regarding Kamala Harris and immigration. The talking points insist that Harris was never Joe Biden’s “border czar” and never had any responsibility for the southern border. Any conservative on any network who referred to Harris as the “border czar” was immediately “fact-checked” by the interviewer, who said, “That’s not true.… Read More

What a fiasco! Joe Biden went on nationwide TV last night in a prime time address to the American people. He said that he would always tell us the truth, and then proceeded to tell us a litany of lies. We thought we were going to get an explanation as to why he suddenly changed his mind about running for reelection. Instead, we got a partisan and divisive speech without one word about his health. The only “explanation” Biden offered was that he was stepping down to “pass the torch to a new generation.” Nobody believes that obvious lie! It wasn’t that long ago, when Biden… Read More

The past two weeks have certainly been a strange time. And it just keeps getting stranger and stranger. There were reports last week of a bizarre event that sounded like another wild internet rumor. But those reports were just confirmed. As you know, Joe Biden got COVID last week. He had to cancel his events in Las Vegas and he flew back to Delaware to recover. At least, that’s what we were told. Monday, Charlie Kirk wrote that a source close to the Las Vegas police said there was “an emergency situation involving Joe Biden.” The Secret Service told local police to close the roads so… Read More

Yesterday, Kamala Harris addressed the staff of what used to be the Biden/Harris campaign and is now the Harris for President campaign. Her remarks left no doubt about just how vicious the left will be. Harris reminded the audience of campaign workers that she began her political career as “a courtroom prosecutor.” She then added: “In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type!” We’re just barely a week past the… Read More

We all witnessed something truly disturbing this weekend. A sitting president of the United States surrendered his party’s nomination to various henchmen in his own party. The so-called “defenders of democracy” just pulled off a coup. No one voted for Kamala Harris to be the Democrat presidential nominee. In his letter announcing the decision to end his reelection campaign, Biden wrote, “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down.” Democrats and their media allies are heaping praise on Joe Biden for being such a “patriot.” Joe Biden is not a… Read More

I’ve been to many national political conventions. I’ve been privileged to hear some of the greatest speeches ever delivered by people like Ronald Reagan. In all my years in this battle, I have never heard anything like the first half hour of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech last night. If you missed it, watch it here. It was one of the most powerful and incredibly moving speeches that I can recall. Certainly at a political nominating convention, and perhaps even in American history in general. What made it so compelling was listening to Donald Trump describe his near-death experience.… Read More

The theme for the third day of the Republican National Convention was “Make America Strong Again.” Speakers addressed border security, national security, and foreign policy. There was an especially poignant moment when the Gold Star families of the 13 service members killed at Abbey Gate during Joe Biden’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan took the stage. They received a long standing ovation from the delegates, and chants of “USA! USA!” filled the arena. Herman Lopez, who lost a son at Abbey Gate, said: “During last month’s debate, [Joe Biden] claimed no service members have died… Read More

Yesterday’s themes at the Republican National Convention focused on crime, safety, and unity. Several speakers, just everyday Americans, gave heartbreaking testimonies about how their lives have been shattered by Joe Biden’s open border policies. A mother was moved to tears as she talked about losing her son to the poisonous fentanyl that is pouring across Biden’s open borders. A brother talked about losing his sister to a violent criminal illegal alien who entered the country because of Biden’s open borders. He said Donald Trump called to console the family, but they haven’t heard a… Read More

Former President Trump has made it clear that he believes God saved him from the assassin’s bullet Saturday evening. He is as clear about that as Ronald Reagan was about God saving him from an assassination attempt in 1981. It’s not surprising that this view is being attacked by leftists and even a Wall Street Journal columnist. But out in the real world, many people are buzzing about this video of what was happening to an American flag in the wind just before Trump started his speech. Many people see an eagle. Others are convinced it is an angel. I vote for angel.

Former President Donald Trump announced today that Ohio Senator J.D. Vance will be his vice presidential running mate, just as our unofficial poll predicted last week. Vance is the epitome of the American Dream. He was born into a working-class family in southeastern Ohio. His parents divorced when he was young, and his mother struggled with addiction issues. Vance joined the Marines after high school and served in the Iraq War. After his military service, Vance graduated from Yale Law School and moved to California to work for a venture capital firm. In 2016, Vance wrote “Hillbilly… Read More

With a growing number of congressional Democrats calling on President Joe Biden to drop out of the race, his performance was under the microscope yesterday during closing ceremonies at the NATO summit. Many saw it as a “make-or-break” moment for his candidacy. Well, as one political reporter put it, the result was “probably the worst-case scenario” for the Democrat Party. Granted, the bar for Biden was very low. While he stumbled and struggled throughout the day, his performance was just good enough to satisfy his core base and stave off a full-scale revolt. But for the growing number… Read More

Late yesterday afternoon, the House of Representatives voted on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act. The legislation would amend the 1993 Motor Voter law to require proof of citizenship when someone registers to vote to ensure that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Who could possibly be against ensuring the integrity of our elections and the democratic process? Virtually every House Democrat. That’s who. Only five Democrats – 2% of the House Democrat caucus – voted for the SAVE Act. Just five voted to protect our… Read More

As you know, I am also working with the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) as Senior Vice President of Public Policy. Working with Dr. James Dobson, Founder Chairman of JDFI, and Joe Waresak, President of JDFI, we recently wrote a devastating letter (with sources) condemning the disastrous policies and radical agenda the Biden/Harris administration is imposing on the American people. In a statement, the JDFI leadership declared: “President Biden is facing growing calls to withdraw from the presidential race because of concerns about his diminished mental capacity. Our concern… Read More

The House of Representatives will hold an important vote this week on commonsense legislation that everyone should support. The vote ought to be unanimous. But it won’t be. Speaker Mike Johnson has put the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act) on the House calendar for an on-the-record vote. The legislation is very simple: If you want to register to vote, you must provide proof of citizenship because only American citizens should be voting in our elections. But there is growing evidence that illegal aliens who are pouring across Joe Biden’s open borders are in fact… Read More

If you were to read Joe Biden’s remarks in a transcript of last month’s CNN debate, you’d be left thinking, “Well, that’s not good.” But your impression of his performance was much worse if you heard and saw him in the debate. The entire nation was stunned by the befuddlement on Biden’s face, the weakness in his voice, and his inability to complete sentences. To thoroughly understand just how bad Biden’s mental and physical meltdown is, you had to hear it and see it. And that brings me to a mystery that has now been solved.

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays -- celebrating patriotism, our history, and the tremendous courage, faith, and sacrifices of our Founding Fathers. As America’s birthday approaches, by all means, celebrate America and our freedoms! But I do have one request.

After yesterday’s big victory at the Supreme Court granting presidents broad immunity for certain actions, Donald Trump’s attorneys immediately filed motions to suspend his sentencing and dismiss Alvin Bragg’s ludicrous case against him. Bragg’s office today agreed to delay the sentencing hearing so Judge Juan Merchan can reconsider the case in view of the Supreme Court’s decision, and Merchan rescheduled the hearing for September 18th.

Former President Donald Trump won big today at the Supreme Court. The justices ruled 6-to-3 that presidents do have varying degrees of immunity depending on the actions taken. In exercising core constitutional powers, presidents have absolute immunity. The majority declared that a president “is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.” In his majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts made it clear that the definition of official acts is to be broadly interpreted, writing that the president’s… Read More

I have watched and been involved in numerous presidential debates. I even participated in six presidential primary debates. In all that time, I have never seen anything close to Joe Biden’s failure last night. Biden went into this debate with the American people deeply concerned about his age and his physical and mental acuity. Far from reassuring anyone, he confirmed everyone’s fears about his condition. Even with the enormous benefit of very low expectations, Biden left his party, the nation, and the world shocked and stunned.

Today, the Supreme Court dismissed an abortion-related case from Idaho, involving a conflict between federal regulations and state law. The Biden administration is twisting federal regulations in an attempt to turn hospital emergency rooms into abortion centers, and Idaho is defending its pro-life laws. In her concurring opinion, Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote that significant changes to the facts of the case make it “imprudent to answer these important questions now.” Justice Samuel Alito strongly disagreed, writing, “This about-face is baffling. . . Apparently, the Court has simply… Read More

Do you remember the shocking photo of classified documents scattered all over the floor of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home? Of course, you do. It was supposed to shock you. There were colored cover sheets indicating the level of classification of the documents, with many labeled “Top Secret.” The media went nuts over how recklessly Trump had mishandled classified information. Well, there’s just been another disturbing revelation about those documents.

Over the weekend, I saw several references to pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashing in Los Angeles. I thought to myself, “What else is new?” But as I looked into it, I realized that even I had fallen for the media’s lie. What happened in Los Angeles was not at all what the media described. It was not just a disagreement over the war in Gaza any more than what happened on university campuses was “mostly peaceful protests” between two opposing sides of a foreign war. Jews were hunted down and beaten up on university campuses! Several days ago, an anti-Semitic mob got on… Read More

Two years ago today, the Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision, overturning Roe v. Wade and ending the fantasy that our Constitution included a “right to abortion.” Ever since 1973, American women have been told about the so-called “right to abortion” and how important it is. Countless American women have been taught that the “right to destroy” a preborn baby makes them “free,” unlike the freedom of speech, the right to assembly, and the freedom of religion. Those rights, which actually are in the Constitution, have been diminished and undermined. But the Biden administration and the… Read More

Earlier in the week, I urged readers not to get overconfident and become complacent about positive polling in the presidential race. Well, the latest Fox News poll offers a cautionary tale. Among registered voters, Joe Biden now leads Donald Trump 50% to 48%. Even in a five-way race, Biden still wins 43% to 42%. Biden’s lead comes in spite of voters preferring Donald Trump on major issues like the economy, immigration, and the Israel/Hamas war. I don’t know why Fox is still focused on registered voters five months from the election. No one should be doing registered voter polls at this… Read More

The Biden administration’s ideological commitment to open borders is stunning. On the day when the arrest of an illegal alien who raped a 13 year-old girl was making headlines, Joe Biden announced a new amnesty for at least 500,000 illegal aliens. These people who should not be here will now get work permits, driving down wages. And, if they can get away with it, leftist activists will register them to vote, further corrupting our elections. While announcing his latest amnesty scheme, Biden said: “We have to acknowledge that the patience and goodwill of the American people are being… Read More

There is growing resistance to the left’s woke insanity. We saw it last year in the tremendous backlash against Bud Light and Target. I am also hearing more liberals say they are done with today’s Democrat Party because it has just gone crazy. It’s no longer the party of working, middle-class America. It’s the party of bizarre. The latest example is what’s happening during -- drum roll – “Pride” month. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is the top intelligence agency of the U.S. government. It supervises the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and all military intelligence… Read More

Rachel Morin, a mother of five, was out hiking in Harford County, Maryland, north of Baltimore, when she was brutally murdered by an illegal alien. She was the second woman in two years to be killed in Harford County by an illegal alien. This is happening far too often. Some incidents make the news, some don’t. Victor Hernandez fled El Salvador and came to the United States in 2023 after he raped and murdered a woman in his native country. Then, he crossed Joe Biden’s open borders. In Los Angeles, he committed a home invasion and attacked a woman and her child. Police matched Hernandez’s… Read More

Former President Donald Trump came to Washington, D.C., yesterday to meet with Republican members of Congress to bring the Republican Party together. Trump praised Mitch McConnell. He jokingly asked Marjorie Taylor Greene if she was being nice to Speaker Mike Johnson. That was likely Trump’s way of telling her, “Hey, it’s an election year. We’re all on the same team.” Mitt Romney had announced that he wouldn’t attend the meeting with Trump, but he ended up going anyway. Trump talked about uniting the party, winning the election, their agenda for January 2025, and their plans to save… Read More

Around 1:30 AM yesterday morning, New York City police officers pulled over an SUV with obstructed license plates. When officers searched the vehicle, they found an arsenal of weapons: a loaded gun with nine loaded magazines, NYPD gear including body armor, knives, handcuffs, a blow torch, and a Metropolitan Transportation Authority vest. Needless to say, the driver, Judd Sanson, was arrested. But there’s more. Sanson promoted radical Islamic views on social media, and presumably a lot of Jew-hatred, too. On one of his weapons he carved, “You left me no choice, I am sorry, You gon [… Read More