Campaign for Working Families

Gary Bauer's End of Day Report

The left-wing media is once again proving that we do not have a fair and balanced free press. What we have instead are liberal hacks masquerading as “journalists.” What we have is George Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth.” In the past 48 hours, talking points went out regarding Kamala Harris and immigration. The talking points insist that Harris was never Joe Biden’s “border czar” and never had any responsibility for the southern border. Any conservative on any network who referred to Harris as the “border czar” was immediately “fact-checked” by the interviewer, who said, “That’s not true. She was never the border czar.” Anyone who witnessed this likely felt as if they were living in an alternate reality. They clearly remember something the media now says isn’t true. Well, we’re not the crazy ones. There is video from the past of one reporter after another calling Harris “the border czar.”