Campaign for Working Families

Friday, September 20, 2024 -- Springfield Speaks, Border Security Is National Security, Another Hoax

Springfield Speaks


We’ve heard a lot lately from the national media about events in Springfield, Ohio. As I noted the other day, the left has expressed more outrage over rumors about Haitians eating cats than it ever has over the actual murders of American citizens by illegal aliens.


The controversy over missing pets really misses the main point, and that’s exactly why the left is talking so much about it. Illegal immigration is a huge problem for the U.S. and a major liability for Democrats. Thus, they are trying to make it a “fringe issue.”


Well, last night the citizens of Springfield got a chance to make their voices heard at a town hall event hosted by Ohio native Vivek Ramaswamy. These good people are being slandered and smeared simply because they don’t like what has happened to their town.


They spoke about walking into a store and being the only person who knew English. They talked about the rampant crime and overcrowded schools that came with 20,000 Haitians.


They talked about people from a Third World country who aren’t used to driving on American roads, causing major accidents resulting in everyone else’s car insurance rates to go through the roof.


They talked about skyrocketing rents because so many Haitians have exhausted the available housing.


They fear there is no future for them in the city they grew up in.


When a few dozen migrants were sent to Martha’s Vineyard, the left was outraged. At the migrants? No. They were furious with Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott for sending them there.


But when 20,000 migrants are dumped into a small community in Ohio, the left’s outrage isn’t aimed at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for sending them there. It’s aimed at the citizens of Springfield.


But it’s not just Springfield. It’s Aurora, Colorado. It’s Chicago, Illinois. It’s small towns in Alabama. In many cases, these migrants are being sent to Red states or communities, indicating that there’s another agenda at play.




Border Security Is National Security


There are many important issues on the ballot this November. Crime. Education. Inflation. National security. Out-of-control spending. Border security and immigration are related to all of them.


We know that more than 85% of the illegal aliens apprehended at the border are not being deported, but they are being released into our country. And we have no idea who they are. But we do know that some of them are criminals and worse.


Yesterday, former Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testified before Congress. Here’s what he said has happened in the past three years:


“In San Diego, we had an exponential increase in significant interest aliens (SIA). These are aliens with significant ties to terrorism.


“Prior to this administration, the San Diego sector averaged 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year. Once word was out that the border was far easier to cross, San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year. These are only the ones we caught.


“At the time I was told I could not release any information on this increase in size or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border. . .


“Through pressure from the administration, my headquarters became more interested in the fiction that was being portrayed in the media and not at all concerned with reality.”


The open borders policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are putting American citizens at risk. (See next item.) And the Biden/Harris administration tried to cover it up.


That should be an impeachable offense. But that’s not going to happen. The only way to prevent another four years of this insanity is to vote for candidates who are serious about border security.




Five Hit Squads


Rep. Matt Gaetz just dropped a bombshell. During an interview with Breitbart News Daily, Gaetz said that U.S. officials are “aware of at least five [assassination] teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump.” Gaetz added “three of them . . . are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature.”


We know Iran is trying to kill Donald Trump, so that explains the foreign hit squads. But what exactly does he mean by “domestic” hit squads?


Congressman Gaetz needs to clarify this because it is significant news.




Real Election Interference


Here’s something else that ought to be front-page news. Iranian operatives hacked into the Trump campaign, stole important information, then shared at least some of it with the Harris campaign.


Trump campaign material was also sent to left-wing media outlets, including Politico, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. We have no idea what or how much they received.


The Harris campaign insists it did not accept anything more from the Iranians, but we have no idea if that’s true or not.


Moreover, we don’t know if the Harris campaign accepted any material from her media allies. If they got it from the New York Times, they would still deny getting it from Iran.


There should be a complete investigation. Unlike the Russia hoax, this is real election interference with Iran aiding the Harris campaign to get their mutual enemy, Donald Trump.




Another Hoax


During the presidential debate, Donald Trump repeated a story he has often told about a meeting with the Taliban leader. While discussing plans to stop attacks on U.S. troops as we began to leave Afghanistan, Trump said he told Abdul, “We’re going to hit you harder than any country has ever been hit” if the Taliban attacked us.


To further underscore the point, President Trump gave him a very clear warning, saying, “I sent him a picture of his house. He said, ‘But why, but why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You have to figure that one out.’”


After the presidential debate, the left and the media went into a frenzy, mocking Trump and calling him a “racist” for making up the Muslim name “Abdul” out of thin air because he is such an “ignorant buffoon and racist” who couldn’t possibly know the name of the Taliban leader.


Once again, you can’t trust the “lamestream” media. Trump had it exactly right.


Here’s a line from an ABC News story in 2020: “Trump spoke to Abdul Ghani Baradar, who serves as the [Taliban’s] chief negotiator and also goes by Mullah Baradar.”


In its write-up of the “100 Most Influential People of 2021,” Time described him this way:


“Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is revered among the Taliban as a founding member of the movement in 1994. . . When the Taliban swept to victory in August in Afghanistan, it was on the terms Baradar negotiated. He was said to be making all the major decisions. . .”


Ignore the fake news media. Donald Trump was right -- again.




Oprah’s Infomercial


Kamala Harris sat down yesterday with Oprah Winfrey for what some are calling “an interview.” It was really an extended infomercial.


During their friendly chat, Oprah said she was surprised to learn that Kamala Harris was a gun owner. Harris joked, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”


This is at least the second time in recent days that Harris has mentioned that she is a gun owner. (There are a lot of hunters and gun owners in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.) Yet, no one has followed up with the obvious question: “What kind of gun do you own?”


But let’s take her at face value that she really owns a gun. Liberals always want for themselves what they don’t want you to have.


Politicians and celebrities who promote gun control often have armed private security.


They’re all for migrants swamping Springfield, Ohio. But they’ll call out the National Guard over a few dozen in Martha’s Vineyard.


They’ll shut down your business, your church, and your child’s school. But they’ll do whatever they want. (Here, here, and here.)


Don’t be fooled by Harris’s rhetoric. Be afraid of her record. (Here, here, and here.)




Good News


  • Stanley Black & Decker joins the growing list of major corporations that are dropping divisive DEI programs and policies.


  • The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots with incorrect or missing dates will not be counted. This is a victory for election integrity.


  • In related news, Pennsylvania officials have announced that the state’s motor voter process will be audited to ensure that non-citizens are not automatically registered to vote.


  • A federal appeals court ruled that a lawsuit against the University of Louisville can proceed. The lawsuit alleging violations of First Amendment rights was filed by a college professor who was fired for questioning transgender ideology.


  • Israel took out the Hezbollah leader behind the 1983 Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon that killed 241 U.S. military personnel. Another reminder that Israel’s enemies are America’s enemies.